iPad ® delivers a world of possibilities for Home Health Therapy!
“Using handheld devices to treat patients is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Physical therapists now can deliver a range of services more quickly and conveniently, contributing not only to their efficiency but also to the rehabilitation of their patients (Kenji Carp PT, OCS, ATC*).” The handheld device that comes out on top is the iPad®. With its portability, wide screen, high resolution and fast 3G capability, the iPad ® is a device that home health therapists can truly embrace! Not only do Web-based applications such as Pariox run great on this device, therapists can download Apps for enhancing patient-care.
Physical Therapist Kenji Carp states in his article ‘Rx: iPad® for Physical Therapy’ featured by PT in Motion February 2012 Issue that his outpatient clinic utilizes numerous Apps including the FREE App:
“HEP2Go.com provides a nice collection of orthopedic rehabilitation exercises. It allows users to upload personalized exercises, monitor what other PTs are using, and save specific routines.”
Whether or not Apps are great tools for Home Health is yet to be determined. What our research does show is that when it comes to providing Home Healthcare services, the iPad® is the most versatile and portable device—therapists can easily document, using the touch-screen capability or a Bluetooth wireless keyboard (several Keyboard-cases are available that have proven to work great. And, per many therapists who use their device daily, the Keyboard-cases are well worth the $80 or less!).
All-in-all, therapists convey that adopting the iPad® is an easy feat with a User-friendly web-application that offers LOTS of auto-pre-filled fields and comprehensive Evaluation/Note structures. It certainly makes a web-application more appealing to use when it is developed by Home Health Therapists.
*Reference comes from the article written by Kenji Carp PT, OCS, ATC ‘RX: iPad for Physical Therapy’ featured by PT in Motion February 2012 Issue.